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The “Karaoke Package” includes:

  • 52,000+ unique Karaoke songs to choose from
  • Wireless microphones for multiple performers
  • Travel, set up, and break down time included
  • Monitor for performer, connection to existing venue televisions or projector systems.
  • Remote laptop request system.

The “Reception/Party Package” includes:

  • A personal consultation to go over the details to make the event your own, customizing it just for you, ensuring everything is perfect on your special day.
  • DJ services only, select your music from our library of over 140,000 songs
  • State of the art sound.
  • Set up and break down time included
  • Master of Ceremony to make announcements, maintain the schedule of events and play the music you selected.

The “Basic Wedding Package” includes:

  • Everything included in the Reception/Party Package plus:
  • Sound system for the ceremony
  • Additional time
  • Ceremony & Reception must be in the same room, requiring only one sound system and DJ/Emcee.

The “Complete Wedding Package” includes:

  • Everything included in the Basic Wedding Package plus:
  • Dance floor lighting
  • Additional time

The “Separate Wedding & Reception Package” includes:
  • Everything included in the Complete Wedding Package plus:
  • Plus separate sounds system set-ups and break downs in each venue.
  • Additional Hand-held microphones included.

Contact Us TODAY for pricing and to reserve your date!